Ferrari Index

Andiamo fuori tema se parliamo di Cars come investimento? Cosa direbbe Buffett? Direbbe che non producendo denaro la tua Ferrari o McLaren non è un investimento in senso tecnico stretto ma una speculazione. Cioè un oggetto, come una tela d’autore, in cui tu paghi un prezzo per un valore difficilmente calcolabile e speri che un…

Speaking of Ben Franklin today

I read somewhere that the word “self-evident” in the “Declaration of Independence” was a Ben Franklin’s substitution for a more articulated and complex number of words by Thomas Jefferson regarding Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If you take a look at the manuscript of the Declaration you’ll find this correction hand-written above. Albeit…

Fees that never sleep

In more than one occasion Buffett mentioned how there’s often no-proportion and no reason to pay 1 or 2 percent of fees or commissions over very poor results from most money-managers and funds today. On this month issue of FT Wealth magazine you’ll find an interesting article by Matthew Vincent that finally replicates most of…

“The more you learn…”

1.How much money this investment will produce in the future?    2. When ?     3.And at what risk?  The first question must be intended like “the cash flow streaming or streams of cash flow that I can reasonably predict to collect in the future”. And immediately after this, I want to know when is this…