Focus with no distractions, but..

Also remember that “Only work without the right balance with a good management of your life-time or personal time, well it can turn things go out of whack. Fun and enjoyment and relax are also important while doing business and relating with the others. A business meeting must not be a war. Neither the closing…


Follow One Course (path) Until Successful. Puo’ essere un ottimo inizio per analizzare a fondo cosa vuol dire essere veramente concentrati e motivati nel perseguire un obiettivo. Sia di lavoro, di accrescimento professionale o di studio ed accrescimento morale. Rimanere disciplinati e focalizzati è come rimanere onesti: è difficile ma possibile. Soprattutto è, per ottenere…

Article 2

“You can become to enormous degree the person you wanna be”. You’ll probably not be just like Buffett but you’ll be yourself and a better person. And that is not a small achievement at all. It’s not easy at all though. How can you do that? Think about another pearl that I like : “Intensity…

Article 1

I feel I had an incredible advantage in approaching the study of the investment industry by coming from a very disciplined field of study: jazz music. In jazz you learn to transcribe the music, the solos of the giants. You don’t read books about them or so, you transcribe their speeches. Then you don-t go…